Monday, December 12, 2005

Early Morning

I love early morning. I adore the first snow fall. I am grateful for this earth.

Early Morning

Life emerges new here.
It's early morning breath
pinkens the sky
lingering over soft mountains
offering up

The silence of snow looming
relinquishing the first flurry
of early winter.
Each delicate flake
a child dancing,
playful in their wake.

I watch from the inside
sipping hot chammomile
aware of my presence
in this world.
My ability to slide
into the steam of my tea,
the blood of my hands
into each flake of snow
arriving safely
on expectant ground.


Anonymous said...

What are you doing awake at 3:47 am? I hope you are doing well... I would love to have some time to spend visitng with you. After the holidays should be a quieter time. I will make you some eggplant parmesean ( to keep you on your vegitarian diet) Thank you for everything this weekend. We are truly blessed to be experiencing these weekends with you and Matthew. We all feel the same way about that.
I am available to help you with the YTT in whatever way you feel is approprieat - I know there are limitations on the things I can help you with as I am only a student for now. I would love to be involved in assisting you after I graduate. Luv you guys... tlake to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Beutiful poem but I have to say it's COLD OUT THERE!!! I don't always welcome winter but it is a time for reflection, so thanks for a soothing blog.
