Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I am thrilled to invite you to our winter workshops and events that will take place over the next few weeks. We now have an online store and any event at Samadhi including regularly scheduled yoga classes can be purchased online. You can even add yoga classes to your Samadhi account from the convenience of your own home. Buying classes and workshops online will save you time when you arrive. If you are not computer savvy, do not worry. You can still sign up the old fashioned way-in person.

We are proud of the community we have built at Samadhi and are always excited to see the new faces that come with January resolutions. We cherish both the new and the familiar. All of our workshops and yoga classes are carefully constructed to support you in leading the healthiest and happiest lifestyle possible. Since Samadhi Yoga Studio opened its doors 7 years ago, our focus has been to teach the best possible yoga using guidelines that foster trust, relaxation within our bodies and mind, and the development of inner wisdom.

Some thoughts about why a regular yoga practice can profoundly change our lives: The relationship we have with our bodies cannot be separated from all we believe about being alive, from the foundation on which every other thing in our lives is built; relationships with ourselves, with others, money, work, love, death. When the basic foundation is understood directly, living takes on a kind of effortlessness and grace. This kind of ease and knowing is available to everyone.

Let your life be a deeply satisfying journey. We always start right where we are because there is nowhere else to start. Yoga allows us to transcend the world of appearances and shed light on what is happening beneath the surface. Everyday life is not apart from this process; it is actually part of it. Raising children, working, being angry, being sad, washing the dishes are all a part of it. We cannot separate who we are from the way we take care of and treat ourselves in our everyday lives.

Through yoga, I have learned that no feeling or situation is unworkable, not heartbreak, not grief, not disappointment, not sadness, not loneliness, not anger. Anything can be felt, sensed, worked through. Through yoga, I have learned how to strengthen my body and make it more relaxed and open. I have learned how to sit comfortably and how to go upside down. My overall posture is improved. My asthma that I have struggled with since I was a child is almost non-existent. In addition to the physical, in yoga I have learned that beating my self up because I am not perfect does not work. I have learned that embracing the qualities of curiosity and openness make me much happier than the qualities of control and fear. Yoga is not mental, not psychological, not emotional, yet is all of these and more. It is a bridge to your own guidance and essential presence.

Join us at Samadhi. One taste of this direct knowing and nothing can ever be the same.

Anne Falkowski

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